Saturday, 17 September 2016

Sloe Gin Chutney

8oz of stoned gin soaked sloes - roughly chopped
2 bramley apples - peeled, cored and chopped
2 medium sized onions - finely chopped
8oz sugar
4oz mixed sultanas and raisins 
8 fl oz white wine vinegar
1 tsp lime juice 
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp salt
zest of a medium sized orange 

Place all of the ingredients into a pan and bring up to the boil
Turn down heat and simmer very gently for 1 1/2 - 2 hours until the chutney reaches your desired consistency (and is not too wet)
Remove from heat and fill freshly prepared/sterilised jars
Tap the bottom of the jars to remove air bubbles before screwing on the lids 

The chutney now needs to be stored in a cupboard for 3 months to allow the vinegar to mellow before being eaten.  

This recipe made 5 small jars of chutney which will be ready to eat at Christmas. 

I prepared the jars and lids by washing in the dishwasher whilst the chutney was cooking.  They always come out of the dishwasher piping hot and ready to use. 

These sloes have been used to make sloe gin.  They have been steeping in gin for almost a year.  The process of removing the flesh from the stones of the sloes is very slow.  I tried using a cherry stoner but the fruit was too small.  I just used a small, sharp vegetable knife to cut the flesh from the stones bit this did take a long time.  I am aware of some people having had limited success in boiling sloes to help to loosen the flesh.  As the purpose of making this chutney is the use the sloes which have been gin infused I did not want to do this as the taste of the gin would be diluted.  

I have designed my own labels for my homemade food and drink preserves. 

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