Sunday, 31 July 2016


I needed to make something a bit different this morning for breakfast. There was no bread in the house!  I decided to cook a frittata. 

1 medium potato - peeled, diced and cooked
3 large eggs - lightly beaten
Chorizo - about 5 cm length, sliced and cut again into halves 
4 off the vine tomatoes - cut in half
6 stalks of marjoram - leaves only, roughly chopped
Splash of oil for the pan
Salt and pepper to taste

Warm oil in a frying pan, add in the potato and gently fry for about 4 minutes, turning occasionally
Add the chorizo and continue to fry for another minute
Add in the beaten egg and marjoram
Place the tomatoes, cut side up, on to the top of the mixture
Grind a bit of salt and pepper on to the top of the mixture 
Cook on a low heat for about 5 minutes, until most of the mixture is cooked
Transfer pan to the grill to continue to cook the top for 3 minutes

Served with a couple of rashers of crispy grilled bacon and a pot of freshly ground coffee
Served two

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