Friday, 5 January 2018

Coconut Cheesecake

For the base: 
20 digestive biscuits - crushed
4 oz olive oil spread - melted
1/2 oz desiccated coconut

For the top:
400ml tin of coconut milk - full fat and as thick and hard as possible
4oz icing sugar
1 oz desiccated coconut

For the Base:
Mix together all of the ingredients and then push the mixture into the base of a greased and lined loose bottomed tin
Flatten the mixture and then refrigerate for about 2 hours to firm up

For the top:
Place the coconut milk into a bowl and whip this until it becomes the consistency of whipped double cream - this is about as thick/hard as the coconut milk is likely to get
Whip in the icing sugar and desiccated coconut
Pour the mixture over the base and refrigerate again for a couple of hours before serving

Serves 6-8

The coconut milk needs to be as thick and firm as possible before whipping. If the coconut milk is thin it will not whip.  I have found that often the cheaper brands are thicker.  
I probably spent about 10-15 minutes whipping the coconut milk - it is a slow process! 

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