Sunday, 7 August 2016

Marjoram Pesto

1oz pine nuts 
1 clove of garlic - crushed 
1oz pecorino cheese - grated
a few stalks of marjoram - leaves only (mine weighed just under 1oz)
3-4 tbsp olive oil  

Put the pine nuts into a small blender/chopper to chop up
Add in the grated cheese, crushed garlic clove and marjoram leaves and blend
Slowly add in the oil until you are happy with the consistency of the pesto - this could be slightly different each time

Pesto can be made using all sorts of different nuts, cheeses and herbs/vegetables. Recently I have been using a lot of marjoram, and also basil which is the traditional herb used, as I have a lot of them growing in my garden.  A few suggestions are -

In place of the marjoram:
Rocket, spinach, spring greens, basil, coriander, parsley, dill, chard

In place of the pine nuts:
Cashews, peanuts (unsalted and skinned), macadamia, hazelnuts (skinned), walnuts 

In place of the pecorino:
Parmesan, hard goats cheese, ossau iraty (this make the pesto really creamy)

I used my pesto to stir into a mixture of half normal pasta spaghetti and half courgette spaghetti, added a handful of black sliced olives and placed a grilled salmon fillet on the top.  The amount of pesto made served 2. 

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