1 can chickpeas - drained and rinsed
1 can cannellini beans - drained and rinsed
1 slice granary bread - grated into breadcrumbs
3 shallots - finely diced
1/2 a medium to large red pepper - deseeded and chopped
1 clove garlic - peeled and crushed
1 tsp sunflower oil
1 red chilli - deseeded and finely chopped
2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp yeast extract
5 fl oz vegetable stock (I used one stock cube)
Saute the chopped shallots in the sunflower oil until soften (but don't brown)
Add in the pepper, chilli and garlic and cook until softened
In a large bowl mash the chickpeas and cannellini beans (this could be done in a food processor) but leave it with differences in texture
Stir in the breadcrumbs and oregano
Stir in the cooked shallot and pepper mix from the pan
Dissolve the yeast extract in the vegetable stock and stir into the rest of the mixture
Tip the mixture into the loaf tin, push into the corners and flatten the top
Cover with foil and cook at 180 degrees for 45 minutes
Remove from the oven and leave in the tin for at least 10 minutes before turning out
This roast can be sliced into 6-8 portions.
It was eaten hot with roast potatoes and vegetables
The remainder was eaten cold with salad